Fuzzy Bingo!


We're turning TEN this year and one way we're celebrating with Fuzzy Fans who can visit is Birthday Bingo! Complete the squares on your bingo card and when you get BINGO you WIN Fuzzy $$!
We'll stamp your card when you (we just got the cutest little stamp):
  • Knit or crochet in a new-to-you fiber
  • Follow us on YouTube
  • Bring a friend to the Goat
  • Weave in your ends
  •  . . . and so much more! 
Fuzzy Turns Ten BINGO ends
If you're a far-away Fuzzy Fan and want to experience some of the fun, here's how!
  • Text us @ 229-236-GOAT with your name and ask us to start a BINGO card for you, include #fuzzybingo in your text 
  • Join our Fuzzy Goat Boxes Facebook group (be sure and answer the questions so that we can wave you in) 
    • Post your BINGO photos to the group 
    • Tag your posts with #fuzzybingo so that we can find your entry and stamp your BINGO card
    • For project posts, include the yarn name (we ask that all project posts be with Fuzzy Goat yarns, which is also one of the guidelines for posting in the group)
  • When you get BINGO, we will email your coupon 🎉
  • Not all the squares will work for online, but there's still lots of ways to get BINGO!
  • And let's repeat, use #fuzzybingo in your posts or we won't be sure to see your entry
Please choose either the Facebook Group or in-person way to play as we won't be able to manage a hybrid version. This is our 1st time trying this out, so please be patient with us, we expect it to be a lot of fun! And we'll find even better ways to play for future rounds 🎉