Fuzzy Goat Blog

From WIMs to WIPs: The Joy of Knitting with Optimism

As knitters and crocheters, we don’t just work with yarn—we work with potential. There’s something inherently optimistic about having WIMs. They’re the glimmer of future possibilities, the projects we imagine and dream about.

At a time when optimism and something to look forward to are so important, I hope you find that same joy in your own knitting or crocheting. We’re here to help you take your WIMs to WIPs and eventually to FOs.

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Be a Rebel: Knit with Joy & Purpose

In our survey on what makes Fuzzy Fix awesome, we heard this: "What has made my knitting experiences amazing is when a) I get an opportunity to improve my knitting skills, b) I get to make something with love for myself or as a gift and c) (and this is the real magic) in the process I learn something about myself and life.  Now how often could all that happen? I’ve gotta tell you it’s been happening to me a lot since I made knitting the third component of my life along with family and work."

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